Purchasing an internet website
  • List of available features of the "online store":
  • The site is deployed in a Docker container on your server. The database used is a freely distributed, popular database PostgreSQL. The application and database are automatically downloaded and installed via the docker-compose file provided in the installation instructions. All data is stored in the database on your server, only with you, and is not transmitted or sent anywhere!
  • The site consists of a client side, which is what the customers of the store see. And an administration panel.
  • The website of the "online store" can be fully customized in the administration panel!
  • The administration panel contains the following functions:
    • Registration of the main administrator;
    • The main administrator can create secondary administrators and manage them;
    • Administrators can create regular users (store employees), configure, and manage them;
    • Administrators can manage the site and configure the following functions of the online store:
      • Store data;
      • Mail server;
      • Website appearance;
      • Text of the product warranty and warranty period;
      • Online payment;
      • Display of the store on the map;
      • Platform for communication with customers;
      • Other settings;
      • Configure directories:
        • Site navigation;
        • Store departments;
        • Product owners;
        • Product suppliers;
        • Product brands;
        • Product categories;
        • Product colors;
        • Product characteristics;
        • Delivery information;
        • QR codes for payment;
      • Register a product;
      • Sell a product;
      • Distribute a product for delivery;
      • Record the store's expenses;
      • Set a discount;
      • Write off a product;
      • Use the reporting module.
  • Store employees, unlike the administrator, have access to only a portion of the functions. These functions depend on the selected role and the employee's settings.
  • This software module implements a reporting module. The reporting module includes a set of various reports: sales, expenses, income, etc. The list of reports available for viewing by secondary administrators and store employees is determined by the main administrator. That is, it is possible to separate the visibility of certain reports for different store employees.
  • In the product registration module, it is possible to:
    • Assign product ownership: specify who owns the product (in case the store sells products from multiple owners), set the product category, brand, supplier, and other basic characteristics;
    • Using the built-in editor, provide a description of the product, format the description text, and accompany the description with images and links to videos. In the case of YouTube, video links will play the video directly in the product description;
    • Upload product images. Change the order of images;
    • Print the embedded barcode or QR code on a barcode printer, or assign the product a code from the manufacturer's barcode;
    • Assign various parameters and characteristics to the product. For convenience, there is a customizable product characteristics directory;
    • Specify what colors the product is available in;
    • Set the price, cost, and discount;
    • Set up the product warranty;
    • It is possible to create another product card from one by cloning it and then editing the clone;
    • You can disable a product for customer viewing, move unused products to the archive;
    • For each product and each color, the stock levels for each store branch are set;
    • You can transfer products between the stock of branches.
  • Product sales can be made both from the store itself and online when ordered by the customer. Sales involve accounting and deduction of products, and there is control over product stock levels. You can always check the report module for the status of income, expenses, how much product is left, how much has been sold, which owners' products have been sold, etc.
  • Sales are divided into sales from store branches and online orders made by customers through the formation of a shopping cart and its subsequent checkout.
  • A product search by name has been implemented for customers. A search by name and by barcode or QR code of the product has been implemented for employees.
  • A cash register has been implemented for controlling cash flow.
  • Returns of products, product write-offs, and setting discounts on products can be done individually or for an entire group of products.
  • There is a directory of countries and settlements by country, which can be filled out at will. In each settlement, the delivery price can be specified: free, negotiable, or fixed. When placing an order online, the client will be offered to choose one of the delivery options from the filled directories, and the delivery price will be automatically applied.
  • To create the navigation menu, there are 3 directories. When filling them out, a navigation menu is generated for the sections; when registering a product, it is indicated in which section the product will be located. Depending on the selected external appearance of the website, a corresponding navigation menu for the site will be generated.
  • The product card displayed to customers can be customized. You can configure how many cards to display on one page. You can configure to show new arrivals, as well as recently viewed products and other settings.
  • This software module includes other functions that are not included in the above description. They can be found in the user manual.


$700 (USD)

Lifetime license
  • 1 Domain
  • 1 Online store
  • An online store can have more than one department
  • Email support